- Can I use Firebird in a closed-source application?
- Does Firebird have functions like ABS, SIN, COS, FLOOR, LOG, TRIM, MOD, STRLEN?
- Does Firebird support SMP?
- Does Firebird support UUIDs or GUIDs?
- Does Firebird work on 64bit systems?
- How many users can connect to Firebird simultaneously?
- How much time it takes to recover a Firebird database after a power failure?
- How to get schema information, list of metadata objects and their properties?
- Is Firebird 2 stable to use in applications?
- Is Firebird really open source as defined by OSI?
- Is it possible to use Firebird over Internet?
- Is there a website with up-to-date Firebird related news?
- Is there support for Firebird?
- No BOOLEAN field in Firebird?
- What are SQL dialects and which one to use?
- What are the technical limits of Firebird?
- What are those SET TERM statements?
- What is BLR?
- What is Multi Generational Architecture (MGA)?
- What is Vulcan?
- What is a transaction?
- What is fb_inet_server, fbserver, fbguard, fbclient, fbembed, gds32?
- What operating systems does Firebird work on?
- What's a connection string?
- What's the debug build?
- What's the difference between Classic and Super Server?
- What's the limit on the Firebird database size?
- Where are the docs?
- Where can I learn about history of Firebird?
- Where to ask Firebird related questions?
- Where's the GUI administration tool?
- Which Linux distribution is recommended for Firebird?
- Which TCP/IP port is Firebird using?
- Why doesn't my database file grow?
- Why doesn't the database file shrink when I delete records?
- Why is Firebird not as popular as MySQL?
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