How to use Firebird embedded with Java (via JDBC)?
These instructions are based on Release Notes for Jaybird JDBC driver. Please refer to the Release Notes in your installation for the most up-to-date information.
Embedded Server requires that you use a special connection path string. It is similar to using the regular Firebird client library, however fbembed.dll on Windows and on Linux are used.
Here are the steps to make it work:
1. Unpack Firebird embedded .zip package in some directory. You need all the files, not just FBEMBED.DLL.
2. Set FIREBIRD environment variable to point to that directory.
3. Place the JAYBIRD.DLL in the PATH (by PATH, we mean the value of environment variable PATH)
4. Change the JDBC URL in your application, to something like this:
5. Start your Java application
If this does not work, try specifying the following parameter to JVM: