Installation and setup
- Can Firebird 1.5 UDFs be used with 2.0 server?
- Can Firebird be used by multiple network users without breaking Microsoft Windows license?
- Can I access a database from a mapped drive on a share?
- Can fbembed.dll be used as a client library for accessing remote Firebird servers?
- Control panel broken on Windows 7 and Windows Vista
- Does Firebird run on embedded Windows XP?
- Does Firebird work on WinCE?
- Does Firebird work on Windows Vista or Windows 7?
- How to remove Firebird user from Mac OSX login screen?
- How to run two or more versions of Firebird simultaneously?
- How to setup Firebird embedded on Linux or Mac?
- How to start and stop Firebird Classic on Mac OSX?
- Installed Classic on Linux and it does not work?
- Is Firebird available for Intel Mac?
- Is there a way to do a silent install of Firebird?
- My newly added alias does not work?
- Unable to connect to local server when network cable is disconnected
- What are the system requirements for Firebird?
- What are those NPTL packages?
- What is the Firebird Guardian?
- What's the best Firebird configuration for Citrix server?
- Where is Firebird 2 on Ubuntu and Debian?
- Where is the documentation about the command line switches of the installation?
- Why do I need libstdc++-5.0 ?
- Why doesn't Classic have CPUAffinity setting in firebird.conf?
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